Congregation hears about Westborough’s Travel SMART initiative

April 28th, 2012 by admin-su

Councillor Fiona White

Surrey County Councillor for the Guildford West area, Fiona White came to St Francis’ Church on Sunday, April 22, and spoke about an initiative called Travel SMART.

It is designed to help people reduce calories, carbon and costs, and includes upgrading cycle routes in the borough of Guildford.

Surrey County Council has funding that it wishes to allocate to local groups  – £150k a year for three years. Fiona asked if anyone has any ideas or suggestions for this area, to contact her.

There are leaflets in the church that give more details about Travel SMART.

Fiona, a Liberal Democrat councillor, also spoke about the Park Barn and Westborough Community Association. She appealed for people from Westborough to consider joining it as this side of the ward is currently under-represented. It’s chairman is Wayne McShane.

For more information contact Fiona on 01252 332381 or email:

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