Walk of witness, uplifting music and a special birthday!

April 8th, 2012 by admin-su

A group from St Francis' Church on their walk of witness on Good Friday.

A group from St Francis Church enjoyed a walk of witness on Good Friday around the streets adjacent to the church.

They stopped at five ‘stations’ and heard a meditation of those who would have walked next to Jesus 2,000 years ago, and sang songs of thanks.

Team Rector, the Rev’d Stefanie Hodges, praised the group’s dedication and courage to witness in their own neighbourhood the sacrifice Christ made for us all.

She said: “We thank God for those who were able to share with onlookers what the walk was about. Well done to all you true and faithful servants; and especially to Cecil who bore the cross over his shoulder for the whole journey.”

St Francis Church was packed on Sunday, April 1, for a special performance of Stainer’s Crucifixion. Singers at the church were joined by those from other local churches for a fantastic musical celebration to herald the start of Holy Week.

The singers who took part in a performance of Stainer's Crucifixion.

And finally, a happy 90th birthday to Harold Barber, who with his wife Rae, have been worshiping at St Francis’ Church for many years (they were married at the church in 1953) and who are key members of our church family.

Harold Barber blows out the candles on his birthday cake. Next to Harold is wife Rae, Penny Ellis is presenting him with the cake, while the Rev'd Stefanie Hodges, looks on.

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