An Easter message from the Team Rector

April 5th, 2012 by admin-su

Easter is the greatest Christian festival – when we remember Jesus rising from the dead after dying as sacrifice for the sins of mankind, fulfilling all the prophesies of the Old Testament and his own destiny as the son of God.

It is incredible in so many ways, not least that our creator God should love and care for us so much that He would go through all this, first to redeem us and then to show us his glory.

It is easy to doubt, but the events of 2000 years ago are among the best documented and corroborated of all ancient history.

So this is why we process prayerfully behind a cross around the streets near to St Francis’ Church, Beckingham Road. The walk is built on the twin foundations of regret at our failings but hope at what the future and eternity may bring the walk leaves the church at 10am this Good Friday with reflections and hymns on the journey.

It is also why we enjoy the sad spice of hot cross buns and the fun and joy of new life represented by Easter eggs.

So, Happy Easter!

God believes in you as he does in all of us whether church goers or not.

It is up to each of us how we respond to God’s love.

The Rev’d Stefanie Hodges, Team rector

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