
We are a friendly parish with worshippers of all ages.
We believe that God is calling us to be the church that he wants us to be by growing closer to Him and each other through worship and fellowship.

We also believe He calls us to proclaim and demonstrate His love effectively within our community by the reality of our faith.

There are two churches in our parish:
St Francis’ Church in Beckingham Road, Westborough.
St Clare’s Church at the junction of Southway and Cabell Road, Park Barn.


Surrey Fringe barbershop chorus. SL371446 IMG_0006-1 ordination1 Ordination2 baptismAug IMG_0004 frankies1

Daily scripture reading

Friday, March 1st, 2019







…………is essential to our growth


One of the most important ways that we walk with Jesus is to read our bible. Daily scripture reading is essential to our growth as a Christian and a daily devotion can help with that. Daily Walk Devotion is about helping you take your next step of faith.

It is that daily encouragement from scripture that will help you understand the Word of God and encourage you in your faith. Committing to reading your bible every day is a vital spiritual discipline.

Adding a daily devotion to that can inspire and sustain you as you go about your day.

We can do this in a number of ways,

Bible notes: booklet with a verse a day and a reflection. – Free, found on Resource Table at the back of church.

Bible in a year. Scriptures for every day of the year covering the Old Testament, New Testament and Gospel Reading – Free, found on the Resource table at the back of the church

If you do not yet own your own Bible, no problem, please come and speak to Stefanie.

Apps to download onto your phone, great resource, stopping for just a few minutes each day, Every weekday there will be a devotion posted on the website that is taken from scripture.

first thing in the morning,

last thing at night,

while stopping for coffee or waiting for an appointment, etc.

Some suggested apps. Remembering that we are all individuals so please look for one that suits you.

Bible in a year.

Daily Walk Devotion

Crosswalk devotionals.

Bread for our hearts devotionals.

Lent Challenge

Friday, March 1st, 2019



Why don’t you join in with our Lent Challenge by putting your name on the list at the back of the church.

During Lent you will be given the name of someone in the congregation to invite or visit for coffee.

This will be someone who you may not normally meet up with. This will be a lovely way to get to know each other better.



Lent Course – dates for your diary!

During Lent we will be running a Lent Course each Monday.

11.00 am – 12.30 pm followed by a light lunch or

7.30 pm – 9.00 pm starting with a light supper

On the 11th March and 8th April the morning Lent Course will be followed by Communion and Lunch Club


Catching the Wave Guide

Friday, March 1st, 2019





Imagine what would happen if thousands of people were

praying every day and hundreds of churches united in asking

God for his will to be done.

Imagine whole communities becoming saturated with

the presence of God and people forsaking what is wrong,

experiencing his love and finding Christ every day

Imagine people becoming interested in the message

of Christ and widespread social changes as people

live in hope instead of despair.

Imagine discovering God to be near; answers to prayer

becoming common place and church becoming truly glorious.

Imagine… revival


Why don’t we as a whole church follow the Catching the Wave 40 Day Prayer Guide? It is full of interesting reflection and prayer points – one for each day.

Booklets available from Diane – only £3.00! or download by clicking link here






Christmas Services

Friday, November 30th, 2018




Take a break

Friday, November 30th, 2018



A Time of Stillness…

Escape from the chaos and busy-ness of this time of year

ST Francis Church

Quiet reflections on Sunday evenings in December

2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd December at 7.00pm in church

Each evening starting with hot chocolate

Please join us!

Halloween Pumpkin Heroes Party

Wednesday, October 17th, 2018




WHEN      Wednesday October 31st

WHERE    St Francis Church Hall, Beckingham Road

TIME         4.30 – 6.00pm

AGE           4-11 years


Quiz Night

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018



Come join us for another fantastic Quiz Night – Saturday 6th October


We will be having a quiz together with a fish and chip supper at ST Francis.

The cost will be £10.00 for adults and £5.00 for children.

Please sign up at the back of the church.

Further details from Dawn Murrell Tel: 01483 823557quiz night



Pet Service

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018



6th October Saturday ST Francis


St Francis Community Lunch

Tuesday, September 4th, 2018


‘Monday 8th October at 1pm’

Everyone is very welcome to come to our FREE community lunches. Its a great time to meet people and enjoy a meal.

You may like to help by reading a Grace, providing a pudding, laying the table,doing the ‘Thought for the day’, providing a quiz or helping with the clearing up. All offers of help are very welcome, Do bring a guest if you can!

Please sign up for LUNCH on ‘Monday 8th October at 1pm’ ,at the back of the church or send an email to events@stfrancisstclareguildford.org.uk , with your name telephone number and any help offered.

If you need a lift please let val hot know and she will organize it. Any special dietary needs phone Val 0n01483 852764 or email on the above address.
If you have enjoyed yourselves please feel free to leave a small donation, it all helps for the next community event.




Why go to Church

Wednesday, August 29th, 2018

So, I was reading some old blogs and came across many reasons why go to church?

Some of these reasons are serious and thought provoking, others are just fun… they’re not in any particular order and perhaps

a portion of them won’t apply to you.

More than that – I pray it inspires you to not only attend church this weekend, but to serve and contribute. And let’s all

remember to invite others who may not know the incredible blessing that being a part of a local church can be.

Why go to Church? Here’s a list of 99 reasons you should go to Church this weekend:

1. The Bible indicates it’s what we should do. (Hebrews 10:25)

2. You will have the opportunity to worship God.

3. You will likely have some of life big questions answered.

4. The preaching of the Bible will help set direction for your life.

5. You will probably make some new friends.

6. You’ll probably see some old friends.

7. Being there is a sign of your discipleship.

8. Being there will encourage your pastors and leaders.

9. You’ll be encouraged in your walk with God.

10. You’ll likely encourage other people in their walk with God.

11. If you’re single, you may meet someone.

12. It will help you define what you believe.

13. It will help you understand the Bible.

14. If you have kids, it will teach them to value God and His Church.

15. People who attend church usually live longer (I didn’t make this one up… google it!)

16. It will give you an outlet for service and ministry.

17. It can help you develop personal leadership.

18. You’ll sing inspirational songs that will carry you during the week.

19. It will encourage you that God is good (if it doesn’t, it should).

20. It will help you to look outside yourself.

21. It will provide an opportunity to give financially to those in need.

22. You’ll receive love from other people.

23. You’ll be able to show love toward others.

24. You’ll hear about the great things God is doing in His Church locally and throughout the earth.

25. You’ll be prayed for.

26. You will be able to pray for others.

27. You’re likely to hear and be encouraged by answered prayers.

28. You will be able to give praise reports and share stories of God working in your life.

29. You will be able to worship God with other likeminded people.

30. It’s an opportunity to introduce a friend who doesn’t know Christ.

31. You’ve probably got nothing better to do. (Watching TV, or sleeping-in don’t count as better!)

32. Your family need you to go.

33. It honours God.

34. Because gathering is part of what it means to be a Christian.

35. Because it’s good to have your views and opinions challenged.

36. Because we all need regular reminders of our position in Christ.

37. It will help you acknowledge and confess your sins.

38. It helps you to be in the world, but not of it.

39. It will help you end one week, and starts the next, with the right focus.

40. It’s a break from work.

41. It will help you re-order your priorities.

42. It’s where your real friends are.

43. It will help you put your life story, into the grand narrative of scripture.

44. It will remind you that you have nothing to fear.

45. It helps take your focus off yourself and onto God.

46. It helps bring perspective and feeds the soul.

47. Because gathering strengthens your faith.

48. The discipline of going will help you be disciplined across all areas of life.

49. It will allow for support in times of need.

50. It promotes stability in your life.

51. It helps to promote a happy marriage.

52. It gives you something great to do with your kids.

53. It will help you to improve your self-esteem.

54. It will help your interpersonal skills.

55. It will help increase your ability to cope with the trials of life.

56. It will help you to be a happy person.

57. It will positively influence future generations.

58. It will provide you with an opportunity to share in communion.

59. It will allow you to take an active role in missions work.

60. It will help you be a better member of your local community.

61. It will help develop your children’s self-confidence.

62. Your children will learn the Bible.

63. It may keep you out of trouble.

64. It will help give you a sense of purpose.

65. It will shape your vision of the future.

66. It will give you eternal hope.

67. It will help you to know what you believe.

68. It will help you to know what you stand for.

69. It will encourage creativity.

70. It will allow you to be disciplined, mentored and pastored.

71. Because you’ll learn about Jesus and have the opportunity to get to know Him.

72. Because you want to go.

73. It’s a pleasant experience.

74. It will give you the opportunity to express yourself in song.

75. It beats staying at home and being alone.

76. You get to put your Sunday best on… (or your skinny jeans depending on the church).

77. You’ll find acceptance.

78. You’ll be loved.

79. You can love others there.

80. Real forgiveness is found there.

81. The gathering of God’s people will help draw you closer to God.

82. You’ll meet likeminded people.

83. Jesus will be there.

84. It will remind you that you’re not alone.

85. It will help the process of sanctification.

86. You’re likely to learn something about God, the Bible, yourself, or others.

87. Growth of the fruit of the Spirit will likely happen.

88. It will bring with it tangible and intangible blessing.

90. It’s a declaration that you’re a Christian.

91. It will give you something interesting to talk about on Monday at work.

92. Because being planted will help your life to flourish.

93. It reflects a life lived beyond yourself.

94. It will bring joy to your life.

95. A miracle you need may come to pass.

96. You’ve been promising someone that you’d go and it’s time to make good on your word.

97. Because it’s the right thing to do.

98. Because faith without works is dead.

99. It will literally change your life for eternity!

Why go to church this weekend? You’d be crazy not to go, especially with all these reasons to be there!!