
We are a friendly parish with worshippers of all ages.
We believe that God is calling us to be the church that he wants us to be by growing closer to Him and each other through worship and fellowship.

We also believe He calls us to proclaim and demonstrate His love effectively within our community by the reality of our faith.

There are two churches in our parish:
St Francis’ Church in Beckingham Road, Westborough.
St Clare’s Church at the junction of Southway and Cabell Road, Park Barn.


SL371446 station6 tryprayer IMG_7292 IMG_3280 IMG_0004 frankies1 Hard at work making blessing blankets.

Sunday 5th May Virtual service leaflet

Sunday, May 10th, 2020



Pleas click on the link below to follow our service of you can use the slides in our Zoom meeting on Sunday




TOTS Praise and Virtual play

Sunday, May 10th, 2020



Family Support

Thursday, April 30th, 2020



Dear Parents,

Care for the family have produced this helpful document as the Coronavirus keeps us in lock down. I am sure you are being very creative but anyone who has or has children know, it is hard work at the best of times to keep our children occupied,  but even more challenging  during extended periods at home and away from their normal routine, that is why I have put this on our web site but also sending it to each of you as an encouragement.

May God bless you and your little ones in abundance as we continue to support each other through this time.

Helping children adjust to a ‘new normal’

As parents, many of us will be struggling to manage our own feelings about the coronavirus pandemic, let alone feel we can cope with talking about it to our children. Here, national charity Care for the Family give their tips on how to talk to young people about life in this ‘new normal’, and how to help them to deal with difficult feelings that may arise. 

Click here for the full article

Easter service sheets for home

Saturday, April 11th, 2020



Please feel free to use our service sheets and prayer guides to be used at home in this time of isolation.

Click on a link below to open a document to read or print

Maundy Thursday

Good Friday Act of witness

Easter Sunday Service Sheet









Stations of the Cross

Saturday, April 11th, 2020



Learn about the stations of the cross click on the link below


Each Friday during Lent, many churches invite the faithful to attend the Stations of the Cross – to pray through 14 key events on the day of Christ’s crucifixion as a way to “walk with our Lord” on his way to Golgotha.

Normally we would visit each of the stations in church to pray, but due to our current circumstances another way the Stations of the Cross is to pray it in your home as a family. We found this fabulous article on how to do this at home.

First, get Stations of the Cross pictures from the document above

Next, hang the pictures with paper clips or clothes pins around your house.When done, all 14 Stations of the Cross are hanging in the living room, dining room, etc. Finally, wait until the sun goes down, and then turn off the lights and take out a flashlight!

The children can take turns shining the light on each station as they pray and walk their own little Via Dolorosa — the road Jesus walked as he carried His cross to Golgotha.



Act of Worship

Monday, March 23rd, 2020




A short act of worship has been produced for you if you are unable to attend church

Click on image above to open booklet


Also find a night worship link below

Night Worship Prayer

Mothering Sunday

Sunday, March 22nd, 2020


Happy Mothers day to you all

I had just about finished a sermon for tomorrow when I was informed that Bishop Jo had put on the diocese website for all to hear, if you would like to hear it direct, as we dont get the opportunity very often to hear a bishop preach I decided to put mine on hold and inform you of this. however (thanks to Sarah who turned it into a word document.)I have attached a copy for you to read and a link to the video, may your day be wonderful tomorrow, even with the very wise restrictions placed on us.

Lets praise God together by doing morning Prayer and if possible light a candle for your window an praying for Gods light to shine in these challenging times

God bless you, my brothers and sisters.

Stefanie & Diane

Bishop Jo has recorded a short message sermon for Mothering Sunday.

“I write this with special love and prayers to those who are anxious for self-isolating mothers and for those mothers cooped up with their children, anxious about how to manage over coming weeks. Jesus’ words from the cross to his mother and the beloved disciple – committing each to belong and care for the other in the new family in Christ’s body (John 19:26-27)– make ever more sense. Open our eyes, O Lord, that we may behold all whom you present to be our mothers, brothers, children in these extraordinary times.” Bishop Jo

Bishop Jo’s Sermon for Mothering Sunday can be foundhere

Document here

Diocese of Guilford Virus Update

Saturday, March 21st, 2020


  1. The Government has issued guidance on who is classified as a Key Worker, religious organisations are listed under this but further clarification is needed. As a minimum we believe that incumbents, curates and associates on the front line ministering in a parish are key workers. More work is underway to establish what other roles could reasonably be included as this situation evolves.
  2. We are in touch with colleagues from the funeral industry, both to protect our own clergy and ministers and to attempt to enable a consistent approach to funerals. We can report that the crematoria in the diocese are attempting to do all they can to protect their own staff and ours and work together on a consistent approach. It seems as if the majority are currently limiting attendance at funerals to ‘nearest and dearest’ which they interpret as very closest relatives (parents, children, siblings). Guildford Crematorium has removed chairs from its (brand new) chapel and placed them 2m apart. They believe that other crematoria are following suit. This is simply to inform you that you can expect a safe working practice in our crematoria and that they are currently implementing similar guidelines to the Church of England. Changes are happening in the funeral industry daily and they will update us accordingly. 
  3. It is becoming clear that the wide-reaching and rapid changes we are going through are outside the experience of the majority of people in our churches, communities and nation.  This change is affecting life and activity in many areas, and that includes finance.  In this regard, similar concerns have been expressed to us by a number of parishes, and we know that this is also on the minds of the national church leadership currently, as it is on ours.  At this stage we are seeking clarification along with other dioceses on what might be provided centrally, not least in terms of handling cash pressures, alongside commencing financial modelling for the DBF for a range of scenarios. As soon as we have further information on this, we will convey this to our parishes. We want to work together (PCC, DBF & National Church Institutions) to support everyone in our communities during this crisis. The priority for our parishes is therefore to ensure that ministry and mission continues and to encourage members to continue giving as normal, as far as that is possible. In the meantime, along with many other aspects of how we as church respond to these circumstances, this is an area that is included in our prayers.

Read the bible in a year

Monday, March 16th, 2020


How to read our bible in a year, enjoy!

Click on the link below

Bible in one year


Co-op Food Share

Wednesday, February 26th, 2020
