
We are a friendly parish with worshippers of all ages.
We believe that God is calling us to be the church that he wants us to be by growing closer to Him and each other through worship and fellowship.

We also believe He calls us to proclaim and demonstrate His love effectively within our community by the reality of our faith.

There are two churches in our parish:
St Francis’ Church in Beckingham Road, Westborough.
St Clare’s Church at the junction of Southway and Cabell Road, Park Barn.


Refutea station11 station12 IMG_7291 frankies1 Churchwardens Brian Walter, Jackie-Drake Smith, and the Rev'd Stefanie Hodges at the special jubilee service. Tucking into the refreshments. Hard at work making blessing blankets.

October 14, 2012

Thursday, January 19th, 2012


What a weekend! Thanks to so many of you, our Patronal Weekend was a real blessing. 

Starting with the men’s breakfast and seeing new people attend and then a very successful fair, not just the money raised but the atmosphere created and the joy of seeing new people through the doors once again. 

On Sunday we celebrated the Sabbath with our All Age Service where we also celebrated with Daniel, Bryony and Georgia as they took a further step along their journey of faith by receiving communion for the first time. Let’s continue to pray and encourage them. 

In the afternoon we celebrated once again with our Pet Service, where thanks to the fair we saw 4 people bring their pets for the first time – even Monty made a brief appearance. The special touch was from our speaker Graham of Hydestile Wildlife Hospital and the amazing owl Rosamond. 

And to finish the weekend we indulged in more coffee and some scrumptious cake before closing our weekend with a Songs of Praise. This was made even more special by the wonderful testimonies of those who chose their favourite hymns. 

Reflecting back on the weekend makes me realise just how special it was. 

Why? Because it was a weekend where so many church family members took part. St Paul speaks about the body being made of many parts (many gifts) and the weekend sums up what he meant with the body of Christ at its best – worship, fellowship and outreach. A huge thank you to you all. 

Blessings Stefanie 


We pray for those who need the healing touch of God’s hand especially Geoff, Gerry, Peter, Grace and Dave Holt. 

Could I please ask you for your prayers as I meet with the family of Jake Bates, the young man who died in tragic circumstances two weeks ago. I shall be conducting the funeral service on October 23rd. The service will be held at Emmanuel due to the very large numbers expected to attend – Stefanie 


As you will be aware the new hall ceiling is now installed. The men worked amazingly hard in order to get it finished for the weekend. We hope that not only does it make the hall look much more attractive, but that we notice a significant difference in the improvement of sound and also with the special insulation, a reduction in our utility bills. Thanks go to Mike Ellis in taking a lead in arranging the work. The next task is to have the hall decorated. 

Thanks also go to those involved in the social events which raised part of the money and to County Councillor Fiona White for a very generous grant of £1,900. A letter of thanks will be sent on behalf of us all. 


Lunch Club this week 18th October (changed for hall works) 

 On October 21st, Sara Ayerman (Lorraine’s daughter) is coming to talk to us about what God is doing in her life and how He is directing her to be involved in something which many know very little about. Please come & encourage her & pray that we may also be encouraged by what God’s says through her. 

 The election for churchwarden will be held on October 21st after the morning service. Brian Walter has been commended by the DCC to stand. 

 Talks on the Southway shop have resumed thanks to Fiona White and Julia McShane our County and Local Councillors who are very supportive of the venture. There are still some important details to discuss but for all of you who have kindly offered your time for this outreach I will keep you informed. Just keep praying for God’s guidance. 

 Our morning services will change from 9.30 am to 10.00 am starting on January 6th (for a three month trial). There are a number of reasons this has been decided which may not be obvious to you, if you would like to know more please see Stefanie. 

September 30, 2012

Monday, January 2nd, 2012

September 23, 2012

Monday, January 2nd, 2012

October 7, 2012

Sunday, January 1st, 2012


Today we celebrate that three of our young people are taking another step in their journey of faith. Daniel, Bryony and Georgia have taken part in a course to explore what it means to be a Christian, in other words what it is to be a follower of Jesus. They now make a further commitment to Christ and His Church by receiving His most precious gift of Himself – Holy Communion, the spiritual gift that sustains us until He comes again. Daniel, Bryony and Georgia, have explored that being a follower of Jesus is not a matter of keeping particular rules or rituals, it is a relationship of love. It means loving and being loved by God and loving and being loved by others. Christians behave in particular ways out of gratitude for that love. 

Many people call themselves Christians without it appearing to make any practical difference to their lives. They live in a culture which has been shaped over many centuries by the teaching of Jesus which impacts on the freedom of the society, its justice, its compassion and its festivals. The benefits of being a nominal Christian are very great indeed. It means living in a country in which (for the most part) poor people are not left to starve and minorities do not face execution without trial if their views are inconvenient. Many things that make life joyful spring from a Christian heritage – public holidays such as Easter, and magnificent music and architecture. 

However, those who have decided to allow Christianity to have a real impact on them find that their lives are vastly improved. They live in a relationship with God. Of course, there is no proof that God exists, so this requires faith. But that faith is not vague, because it is founded on the teaching and promises of Jesus. This is a reliable basis for faith, because it is undeniable that Jesus existed. They worship and serve Jesus as their living God – very different from being just a nominal Christian. 

Jesus taught and promised that having a relationship with him would offer ‘life in all its fullness’. Christians find in him a sense of purpose, security and self-worth. To live with faith in Jesus means that his followers are aware that their human lives are only a small part of an eternal existence. So they experience the highs, lows and mundane parts of life in a different way from those who have no confidence in anything except their own flesh and bone. 

Christians are able to face bereavement and their own end knowing that God loves them through and beyond death. Christians have someone to thank for experiences which can barely be explained by a godless view of existence – a new birth, a stunning experience, or a heartfelt love. 

We praise God for our young people and pray as they grow in their faith, they will experience all the blessings God offers. Blessings Stefanie 


We pray for those who need the healing touch of God’s hand especially Geoff, Gerry, Peter, Grace and Dave Holt. 


Lunch Club is now on the 2nd Thursday – next lunch this week 11th October 

 On October 14th there will be a said Holy Communion at 9.00am to allow time to make our way to the South African Church in Kings College for a joint Harvest Festival at 10 am. If you wish to bring tinned goods please feel free to do so. If anyone would like a lift to the school, please let Stefanie know. May I encourage as many as possible to join us for this special service, I am sure it will be a great blessing. Children are very welcome. If you have family or friends visiting for the day, why not bring them along? It is an experience they might appreciate. If you do not attend the 9.00 o’clock service please keep your weekly envelope/gift until the following week. 

 On October 21st, Sara Ayerman (Lorraine’s daughter) is coming to talk to us about what God is doing in her life and how He is directing her to be involved in something which many know very little about. Please come & encourage her & pray that we may also be encouraged by what God’s says through her. 

 The election for churchwarden will be held on October 21st after the morning service. Brian Walter has been commended by the DCC to stand. 

 Talks on the Southway shop have resumed thanks to Fiona White and Julia McShane our County and Local Councillors who are very supportive of the venture. There are still some important details to discuss but for all of you who have kindly offered your time for this outreach I will keep you informed. Just keep praying for God’s guidance. 

 From January 6th our morning services will change from 9.30am to 10.00am (for a three month trial) 



 A huge thank you to all who were involved in our Autumn fair and particularly to Jyl & Sarah for doing so much preparation behind the scenes 

 Last but certainly not least, thank you all so much for the wonderful surprise of all the cards and the beautiful flowers last week, bless you all – Stefanie 

Notice sheet September 16, 2012

Sunday, January 1st, 2012

Women’s Fellowship

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Come and join us on Monday afternoons at 2.30pm at St Francis’ Church Hall to listen to some interesting talks and enjoy a chat over refreshments.