
We are a friendly parish with worshippers of all ages.
We believe that God is calling us to be the church that he wants us to be by growing closer to Him and each other through worship and fellowship.

We also believe He calls us to proclaim and demonstrate His love effectively within our community by the reality of our faith.

There are two churches in our parish:
St Francis’ Church in Beckingham Road, Westborough.
St Clare’s Church at the junction of Southway and Cabell Road, Park Barn.


Surrey Fringe barbershop chorus. station7 transformus jasminbaptism IMG_0005 IMG_7299 musicgroup The children's group, Jigsaw, and leader Marie Maull present Jackie with leaving gifts.

St Francis’ Church at Community Fun Day’s car boot sale

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

The Westborough & Park Barn Community Fun Day attracted many visitors on Saturday, June 30.

Events were centred around the Park Barn Centre and in the morning there was a car boot sale. Several members from St Francis’ Church and their friends had a pitch and raised about £70. The money will go towards towards improving the acoustics and lowering the ceiling in the church hall.

There were also grateful donations of nearly used goods for our community shop, while we chatted to lots of people and promoted other community events at the church such as the men’s breakfast.

For a full report on the Community Fun Day and more pictures see The Guildford Dragon News website. Click here to view.

St Clare’s Grand Summer Fete

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

The rain held off and the sun shone, but it was rather windy. However, it didn’t put off all those who came along to the parish’s Grand Summer Fete on Saturday, June 16.

Fred Smith and Jackie-Drake Smith.

With so much rain during the week, it was touch and go whether we would be able to hold the fete on the grass in front of St Clare’ Church. Fete organiser Fred Smith took the gamble to hold it outside after consulting weather forecasts that stated it would remain dry during the afternoon. It did and it paid off.

Those who came, young and old, enjoyed a traditional-style fete that featured stalls selling all manner of goods, a tombola, raffle, plant sales, cake sales, plus a number of old-fashioned games such as hoop la, that the youngsters really enjoyed. There was also a bouncy castle, face painting and a visit from an ice-cream van.

Well done to Fred and all those who helped to set up, man the stalls and stands and to those who helped pack it all away – just before the rain returned!

Here are a selection of photos taken at the fete.

St Clare’s celebrates 25th anniversary

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

It’s 25 years since the extension to St Clare’s Church was built. It is now the main worship area and was added to the original church-cum-hall building that itself was completed in 1965.

The anniversary will be celebrated at this Sunday’s service (June 17), and we welcome former Park Barn and Westborough community worker Jonathan Hayes who will be speaking to the congregation. 

It is hoped that a number of ‘faces from the past’, as in others who once worshipped here, will be at the service. All are welcome to come along. The service starts at 10.30am.

St Calre's Church showing the 'extension' that was added in 1988.

Diamond jubilee service and beacon lighting

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

St Francis’ Church celebrated the Queen’s diamond jubilee with a special service on Monday evening, May 4, followed by the lighting of a beacon – one of the many ‘church beacons’ lit around the UK a few minutes after the ‘civic beacons’.

The beacon lit at St Francis' Church.

Earlier in the afternoon there was the showing of a special jubilee DVD in the church hall with tea and cakes.

As the skies darkened with any rain holding off, the congregation filed out of the church at the end of the jubilee service and surrounded the beacon in the church grounds. Local people had been gathering there minutes before to see the lighting of the beacon.

The team rector, the Rev’d Stefanie Hodges, led the countdown to the lighting. Deputy churchwarden Brian Walter lit the special beacon lighter that Stefanie was holding. The gas was turned on and she then lit the beacon. With a ‘whoosh’ flames leapt out and then there was a call to say three cheers for the Queen. It was followed by the singing of God Save the Queen.

Churchwardens Brian Walter and Jackie-Drake Smith, with the Rev'd Stefanie Hodges during the special jubilee service.

Dawn Murrell and Diane Peters.

Some of the congregation at the jubilee service. All pictures by Mike Ellis, Ginger Cat Photography.


A little rain didn’t dampen the fun at diamond jubilee street party

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

Grey skies and intermittent rain couldn’t dampen the spirit of all those who enjoyed street party hosted by St Francis’ Church on Sunday, June 3, to mark the Queen’s diamond jubilee.

The street party held in Beckingham Road and Weston Road that was hosted by St Francis' Church. All pictures by Mike Ellis of Ginger Cat Photography.

About 160 people sat down to tea at the party. Beckingham Road was closed off and invites went out to residents of the road as well as neighbouring streets including Weston Road and Deerbarn Road.

There were also fun and games including a quiz, a bouncy castle, an ice-cream van, plus craft making for the children in the church hall.

Team rector the Rev'd Stefanie Hodges.

The team rector of St Francis’ Church, the Rev’d Stefanie Hodges, said: “I was amazed how many people came along. We even managed to get some of the grown-ups to take part in the games.

“Since sending out the invites for the street party, I have received many letters from local residents thanking us for hosting today’s event. They are so appreciative around here.

The rector and her churchwarden, Jackie Drake-Smith, put in a great deal of work organising the party. Members of the congregation helped to set up and pack away. Neighbours John and Graham help put out flags and bunting.

Assistance from members of the Stoughton & Westborough Branch of the Royal British Legion (in particular Angela and Tracy), in the planning stage, financially, and helping on the day was paramount to the event going ahead and being such a success.

The Rev’d Hodges added: “One family who came along are newcomers, having recently moved to Guildford from Teddington. They remarked to me just how much friendlier people are here.”

As the afternoon drew to a close the heavens opened. Everyone then made a bee-line for the church where the raffle was drawn and the winners of the games received their prizes.

Tomorrow (Monday, June 4,) we have a special diamond jubilee service, followed by the lighting of a beacon.

Come and join the fun at St Francis’ jubilee celebrations

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

St Francis’ Church is hosting a street party on Sunday, June 3, to mark the Queen’s diamond jubilee.

It takes place between 1pm and 4pm around St Francis’ Church and residents of Beckingham Road, Weston Road, Grantley Road and Grantley Gardens have been invited. Members of the church and the Stoughton & Westborough Branch of the Royal British Legion are also welcome to attend.

Bring your own food and drink for your family or to share with others. We’ll provide the tables and some chairs, the cups and the plates.

There will be craft activities for children, a bouncy castle and an ice cream van. Wear red, white and blue – under 16s fancy dress competition. Extra refreshments for the children will be provided.

The lighting of our jubilee beacon takes place on Monday, June 4.

All welcome to attend. There will be a showing of a jubilee DVD in the church hall at 7pm with tea and cake.

Our jubilee church service is at 8.45pm.

We light our beacon in the church grounds at 10.15pm.

We will be the only church in the Guildford area to light a beacon – supplied via an offer and campaign by Premier Christian Radio.

New instruments for Frankie’s have arrived

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

Come along on Thursday mornings during term time to St Francis’ Church Hall and play with the new bells, rattles, shakers and whistles at Frankie’s Music Group.

The new musical instruments are just waiting to be played!

Since Frankie’s moved to St Francis’ Church last year, we’ve been borrowing musical instruments but we’ve now saved up enough to have our own collection. Come along this week and join in the fun from 10am to 11am.

All are welcome to attend (parents, grandparents and childminders). It’s £2.50 per session to cover the costs of refreshments and hall hire.

And St Francis Baby and Toddler group meets on Tuesday from 9.30am to 11am, during term time. £1 per adult, 50p per child to include refreshments and a take-home craft activity each week.

Ride-on toys, books, soft baby play space, role-play and small world play.

Details on both groups from Sarah Bennett on 07956 962686.

A quiet moment at St Francis Baby and Toddler group.

Folk in fine form at music night

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

There is certainly a lot of talent among us here at St Francis’ Church. The latest of our social events was a folk music night on Saturday, May 12, at which a number of regulars took part with the addition of some invited guests.

The musicians at the folk music night. Pictures by Mike Ellis.

Music was sung and played by a house band comprising David Rose, Jyl Wheeler and Brian Walter from the church, with addition musicians from David’s own band, Sammy Rat and the Resonators.

Their music covered a wide field, from tradtional songs from around the British Isles and the USA to those by Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, and on to songs by today’s musicians who are inspired by folk music.

Additionally, Catherine Hall gave beautiful renditions of two traditional folk songs, Peter Turner gave us another of his much-loved monologues, and Penny Smith read an apt poem called Sat Nav.

Brian and Jyl also gave readings. The Murrells grandson William also took part, singing a song from the musical Hairspray.

Bryony Rose joined the band to play guitar and sing Bob Marley’s Redemption Song, and Jackie Drake-Smith came on stage to sing Simon and Garfunkel’s The Boxer as a duet with David.

Our very special guest was Matthew Alexander, former curator of Guildford Museum, who not only sang a traditional folk song that had everyone joining in with the chorus, but performed his special one-man mummers’ play – a traditional drama usually performed around Christmas time.

He finished it off with a morris dance (playing the tune on a harmonica as he danced). The band then drew the evening to a close with the traditional song All Around My Hat.

The evening raised nearly £200 for church funds. Thanks also to our excellent in-house caterers and all those who helped in one way or another on the night.

Others who contributed songs, readings and so on during the evening.

Busy Sunday afternoon

Monday, April 30th, 2012

Baptism of Jacob Robert James Haywood on Sunday, April 29.

It was a busy Sunday at St Francis’ Church this week.

Following the regular service of Holy Communion in the morning, led by the Rev Stefanie Hodges, the afternoon first saw the baptism of Jacob Robert James Haywood. This was followed by the annual prize giving to the young players of St Francis Sports football club.

Here are some pictures taken by our verger and photographer Mike Ellis.

The church was full of young footballers.

For details of St Francis Sports click here.

Folk music night at St Francis’ Church, Saturday, May 12

Saturday, April 28th, 2012