
We are a friendly parish with worshippers of all ages.
We believe that God is calling us to be the church that he wants us to be by growing closer to Him and each other through worship and fellowship.

We also believe He calls us to proclaim and demonstrate His love effectively within our community by the reality of our faith.

There are two churches in our parish:
St Francis’ Church in Beckingham Road, Westborough.
St Clare’s Church at the junction of Southway and Cabell Road, Park Barn.


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Youngsters at Frankies have a swell party!

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012
Frankies Baby and Toddler and Frankies Music Group enjoyed their joint Christmas party on Thursday, December 13.

All the children meet Father Christmas.

The children went through to the church to welcome their special guest, Father Christmas, who handed out presents to 40 excited children.

The children sang Jingle Bells as a thank you to Father Christmas and presented him with a mince pie and a carrot for his reindeer!
Afterwards there was lots of party food and cakes and singing in the hall.
Frankie’s Baby and Toddler Group starts back on Tuesday, January 8, and Frankie’s Music Group returns on Thursday, January 10, at St Francis’ Chucrh Hall, Weston Road. Just turn up on the day, no pre-booking required.

Tucking into the refreshments.

New service times at St Francis’ Church from January (For service times at St Clare’s, see own section)

Monday, November 19th, 2012

Remembrance Sunday service with members of the Stoughton & Westborough branch of the Royal British Legion

Sunday, November 11th, 2012

St Francis’ Church was packed for its Remembrance Sunday service on November 11.

The Cadence Drum & Bugle Corps lead the procession along Beckingham Road to St Francis' Church.

Members of the Stoughton & Westborough Branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL) and servicemen joined parishioners at St Francis’ Church in Beckingham Road.

Servicemen joined members of the Stoughton & Westborough Branch of the Royal British Legion in the march.

Members of the RBL branch, based in Northway, marched to the church in a procession led by the Cadence Drum & Bugle Corps.

Sunlight streamed through the windows of St Francis' Church during the service.

The service was led by the team rector, the Rev’d Stefanie Hodges, with members of the RBL branch and regular parishioners taking part.

Pictured after the service with the Rev'd Stefanie Hodges is Capt Lee Neville of the Royal Army Physical Training Corps, based at the Army School of Physical Training in Aldershot; and Capt Dougie Douglas, of the Royal Army Physical Corps, Army Foundation College in Harrogate.

After the service there was a special presentation by Angela Snape to church regular Frances Dawson for her amazing 72 years of raising funds for the Poppy Appeal.

Angela Snape of the Stoughton & Westborough Branch of the Royal British Legion (left) presents Frances Dawson with a letter from the national chairman of the Poppy Appeal thanking her for her many years of fundraising.

Christmas Fair at St Francis’ Church, Saturday, December 1

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

St Francis Weekend was a real blessing

Friday, October 19th, 2012

THANKS to so many of you for helping to make our patronal weekend such a great success.

Starting with the men’s breakfast on the Saturday, October 6, and seeing new people attend and then a very successful autumn fair, not just the money raised but the atmosphere created and the joy of seeing new people through the doors.


Bryony, Georgia and Daniel with the Rev'd Stefanie Hodges.

On the Sunday we celebrated the Sabbath with our all-age service in which we also celebrated with Daniel, Bryony and Georgia as they took a further step along their journey of faith by receiving communion for the first time. Let’s continue to pray and to encourage them.


Stefanie and Rosamond

In the afternoon we celebrated once again with our pet service. The special touch was from our speaker Graham, of the Hydestile Wildlife Hospital and the amazing owl, Rosamond.

To finish the weekend we indulged in some more coffee and scrumptious cakes before closing our weekend with a songs of praise. This was made even more special by the wonderful testimonies of those who chose their favourite hymns.

Reflecting back, it makes me realise just how special it was. Why? Because it was a weekend where so many church family members took part. St Paul speaks about the body being made of many parts (many gifts) and the weekend sums up what he meant with the body of Christ as its best – worship, fellowship and outreach. A huge thank you to you all.

Blessings. The Rev’d Stefanie Hodges

Celebrate St Francis’ Day with us!

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

A call for unity after fatal stabbing in our parish

Friday, September 28th, 2012

The Rev'd Stefanie Hodges.

The team rector, the Rev’d Stefanie Hodges, has appealed to the community of Westborough and Park Barn to stand together following the fatal stabbing of a teenager last weekend.

Stefanie has expressed her deep sadness at the death of 19-year-old Jake Bates and has urged the wider community not to condemn Westborough.

She said: “As a community we have been profoundly shocked and saddened by this loss of life. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jake’s family as we struggle to imagine the pain they are in and the journey ahead of them.

“Our prayers are also with the perpetrator and all of those impacted by Jake’s death.”

Talking to members of the community since the incident, Stefanie says she has been struck by the resilience of local residents and the need for the community to hold its head high.

She said: “I have been into schools and one student said they would never have believed something like this could happen around here.

“It’s amazing how protective the residents can be of this area especially when others outside want to demonise it. There are some really amazing people here, sadly others outside don’t often see that.

 “This summer for example we had some wonderful jubilee celebrations with a real community spirit. I pray that this terrible tragic incident will be the last of its kind and that there will be no reprisals locally.

“Westborough has its problems, there is no denying it, but every parish has its problems and I can truly say I am pleased to be part of this community as its local rector.” 

Special prayers will be said at St Francis’ Church on Sunday (September 30) and there will be a short time of silence in memory of Jake. All are welcome to the service that starts at 9.30am.

Craft in Company goes monthly at St Francis

Thursday, September 20th, 2012
St Francis’ Church’s Craft in Company get together sessions are going monthly from October.
They will take place on the first Friday of the month from 10am to noon in the church hall. The next date will be Friday, October 5.

Join others and have fun making crafts at St Francis' Church Hall.

Crafts that have made an appearance so far include knitting, crocheting, jewellery making, quilting, sewing, doll’s house furnishings, pergamano, card making, and scrapbooking.

Individual projects worked on so far include wall hangings, cushions, aprons, advent calendars, felt toys, picnic rug, knitted bags and toys, and rag wreaths.

Craft is Company takes place on the first Friday of each month from 10am to noon.

There are crafts books to browse and cake to eat.  £3 per session (to include cake and hot drinks).

Bring your own project and craft in company!
Details from Jyl Wheeler on 01483 852493.

See what fellow crafters are making and show off your own work.

St Francis’ Church says farewell to our churchwarden Jackie

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

Jackie Drake-Smith at the lunch held to mark her departure as churchwarden as she beings her training for ministry.

Worshipers at St Francis’ Church have bid farewell to churchwarden Jackie Drake-Smith, who is leaving to take up training for ministry in the Church.

Jackie preached at the holy communion service on Sunday, September 16, her focus being Psalm 116, which includes the words: “I love the Lord, because he hears me; he listens to my prayers. He listens to me every time I call to Him…”

The service included a special part – our ‘Farewell to Jackie’. The congregation said the words: “As you journey onwards, we ask forgiveness where we have failed you; we give you thanks for all you have given us: we assure you of our love and prayers.”

The church was packed with regular worshipers, plus many of Jackie’s family and friends.

The children's group, Jigsaw, and leader Marie Maull present Jackie with leaving gifts.

At the close of the service members of the children’s group Jigsaw, presented Jackie with a card and presents. There were also further presents from everyone else. One of these was an alb – one of the garments worn by clergy.

After the service there was a roast lunch in the church hall attended by Jackie’s many friends at St Francis and members of her family.

We expect to see her back visiting us at Christmas when she can tell us all about her studies!

All photos by Mike Ellis.

The lunch.

Brenda and John Wakefield at the lunch.

Julia and Wayne McShane.

The Rev'd Stefanie Hodges.

Sunshine and showers at St Francis barbecue

Friday, August 10th, 2012

The annual barbecue at Mike and Penny Ellis’ was held on Sunday, August 5, with sunshine and showers during the afternoon.

The social event took place not only in the garden but inside Penny’s hairdresser’s shop too!

Here are a few photos taken by Mike on the day.