
We are a friendly parish with worshippers of all ages.
We believe that God is calling us to be the church that he wants us to be by growing closer to Him and each other through worship and fellowship.

We also believe He calls us to proclaim and demonstrate His love effectively within our community by the reality of our faith.

There are two churches in our parish:
St Francis’ Church in Beckingham Road, Westborough.
St Clare’s Church at the junction of Southway and Cabell Road, Park Barn.


The Westborough and Park Barn based Rhythm of Life community choir. STOUHTON & WESTBOROUGH BRANCH OF THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION OUTSIDE ST FRANCIS CHURCH IMG_7299 ordination1 Ordination2 P10207701 The lunch. Dawn Murrell and Diane Peters.

Come along to Messy Church at St Francis!

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

Maundy Thursday supper at St Francis

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

Enjoying the traditional Maundy Thursday meal at St Francis' Church.

People from the age of six to 90  joined in with this year’s Maundy Thursday meal at St Francis’ Church.

With reflections on the ‘journeying with Christ’ through to Good Friday, the evening included a shared communion and the traditional and profound ‘stripping of the altar’.

Blessed time of song and praise to begin Holy Week

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

Palm Sunday evening’s performance of The Crucifixion by Sir John Stainer at St Francis’ Church was a truly wonderful occasion.

The rector, the Rev’d Stefanie Hodges now writes:

I have received a number of emails about the performance and thought it a shame not to let others know what a special occasion it was.

This is the third year we have entered into Holy Week with a special service of worship on Palm Sunday evening which begins with an (optional) congregational rehearsal, followed by a Lenten supper, and finally coming together for a blessed time of song and praise.

This idea began three years ago and we are delighted that, with the continuing interest and support of others joining us, this very moving act of worship is becoming  part of the tradition here at St Francis.

Starting with a group of 14 members of St Francis’ Church, including some who had never sung in a choir before, together with those more experienced choristers from other choirs and under the masterful care and encouraging teaching from Christopher Connett, something beautiful has blossomed. The comments that have been coming through following Sunday’s service have all been amazingly encouraging, both about the ‘service’ and about the ‘church’s warm welcome and incredible hospitality.

Sincere thanks need to be given to all who took part – the choir, those who prepared and served the meal and those who cleared up after.

But thanks go particularly to Jyl Wheeler who administered to the choir and organised the congregation hospitality, and to Christopher Connett, our inspiring and talented musical director. Our appreciation is also extended to the wonderful soloists, Mike Winterbotham and Stephen Petch, and to organist David Oldfield.

Here are just a couple of the emails I have received in appreciation.

“This evening was a lovely time and the four friends I brought with me really enjoyed it. Christopher was a great conductor who got the best out of us, and the two soloists were amazing – probably the best I remember hearing singing that piece, and it is one I have sung many times before. They were such a joy to listen to. And Jyl did a great job of organising it all. Thank you again for allowing me to be part of such a wonderful evening of worship.”

“Thank you for such a moving evening, I never really understood the Christian story other than the basics. This evening opened my eyes and I felt extremely moved by the whole experience. Thank you.”

Easter services and events at St Francis’ and St Clare’s Churches

Thursday, March 6th, 2014

St Francis’ Church


Palm Sunday, April 13    

10am: Palm Sunday Parish Eucharist

11.30am: MOT – Ministry of Transformation – 30 minute session

Lenten Offering of Worship and Praise: The Crucifixion by Sir John Stainer

5.15pm: Congregational rehearsal

6pm: Lenten supper

7pm: The Crucifixion


Monday, April 14

7.30pm: Compline with meditation


Tuesday, April 15

11.30am: Holy Communion

7.30pm: Compline with meditation


Wednesday, April 16

7.30pm: Compline with meditation


Thursday, April 17

7.30pm: Maundy Thursday meal with Holy Communion


Good Friday, April 18

9am to 12.30pm: The Way of the Cross art workshop drop-in

 10am: Walk of Witness

11am: Hot Cross Buns

2pm: Hour at the Cross with The Way of the Cross


Holy Saturday, April 19

3pm to 5pm: Open church and MOT drop-in


Easter Sunday, April 20

10am: Easter Day Parish Eucharist


St Clare’s Church

Palm Sunday, April 13

8am:  ‘said’ communion

10.30am: worship for all a shorter service for all ages together


Holy Week

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

9.15am:  brief meditations


Maundy Thursday, April 17

7pm:  Maundy meal (sign up in church)

9pm:  vigil (until 11pm)


Good Friday, April 18 – ‘he carried our sorrows’

9.30am:  35 minutes of quiet reflection  

10.30am:  join the town centre ‘walk of witness’ – meeting outside Friary Centre


Easter Sunday, April 20 – ‘he has risen’!

7am:  ‘Son rise’ service outside the east end of the cathedral – ask about lifts

8am:  ‘said’ communion

10.30am:  worship for all with communion

We Ramped up the Red for British Heart Foundation

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

The British Heart Foundation’s recent Ramp up the Red event encouraged people to wear something red and have fun raising funds.

St Francis' Church wears red for the British Heart Foundation.

At St Francis’ Church parishioners raised £130 for the BHF on Sunday, February 9. The event was all the more special as the Bishop of Dorking, the Rt Rev’d Ian Brackley, was the morning’s preacher.

Guildford area chairman for the BHF Shirley West was at St Francis’ and said: “What a wonderful way to close Ramp up the Red. The rector, Stefanie Hodges, and all her congregation dressed in red.

“We then enjoyed a lovely lunch together. I would like to thank everyone there, including Bishop Ian, for helping to make it a successful weekend.”

Bishop Ian pins on his British Heart Foundation badge.

St Francis’ Church picture gallery

Friday, February 7th, 2014

St Francis’ Church’s first Messy Church on Saturday, January 25, was very successful indeed.

Having fun at Messy Church. Pictures by Mike Ellis.

Lots of local children and their parents enjoyed making crafts, listening to a story and singing songs, topped off with a great meal.

The next free Messy Church takes place on Saturday, February 22, from 4pm to 6pm. All welcome. For more details call the rector, the Rev’d Stefanie Hodges on 01483 504228, or Val Holt on 01483 852764.


Here are some photos our rector has taken of events at the church over the past few months.

Members of the church got together to paint the hall.

Getting ready for the Christmas community lunch.

Our now dearly departed Geoff pictured with his grand-daughter Charlotte.

Christmas time and Santa's coming.

Kids will love Messy Church at St Francis’ Church

Wednesday, January 15th, 2014

Messy Church is coming to St Francis’ Church in Beckingham Road.

It promises a great time for children of all ages with craft activities, singing and storytelling, plus a meal.

It will run on the last Saturday of each month, starting next Saturday, January 25, from 4pm to 6pm and is free.

It is being run by members of the church and details can be obtained from Val Holt on 01483 852764.

Christmas services at our churches

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

St Francis’ Church

Sunday, December 22: Christingle Service at 4pm

Tuesday, December 24: Christmas Eve: Midnight Service at 11.30pm

Wednesday, December 25: Christmas Day: We celebrate the birth of Christ, at 10am


St Clare’s Church

Sunday, December 22: Carol Service at 6.30pm

Tuesday, December 24: Christmas Eve Midnight Communion, 11.30pm

Wednesday, December 25: Christmas Day, celebrate light in the darkness, 10am

Learning the art of making blessing blankets

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

Women from St Francis’ Church were joined by their counterparts from the Guildford branch of the South African Congregation Church who came to show how their ‘blessing blankets’ are made.

Hard at work making blessing blankets.

Children in South African schools make them to give as gifts to older members of the community, for homes for the elderly, for people who have just had babies and a number of other people who they wish to bless.

Edith, from the South African Church (whose sister devised the blessing blankets), told those at the event that the health service in parts of South Africa is very different from here in Britain.

She said that sometimes people have to travel for hours to get to a hospital and then wait for many hours before they are seen.

But the time is not wasted as the women use it to make more blessing blankets to give away.

The team rector of the parish of Westborough and Park Barn, the Rev’d Stefanie Hodges, said: “It was a great privilege for us to welcome our visitors and be taught this wonderful skill.

“Our thanks also go to the members of the SA Congregation Church, because their amazing generosity throughout the year means that our community shop (open on the last Saturday morning of each month at the church hall) is always well stocked with items they have donated.

“They have also joined in this year with our annual toy service. Members of their women’s group donated many gifts for us to pass on to needy children this Christmas, so as to bring a little joy and surprise to those who may otherwise have very little.

“We thank God for the relationship that is developing between our two churches and look forward to our annual joint celebration each harvest festival.”

The SA Congregation is a reformed church of mostly South Africans resident in the UK. It is part of the General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa and has close ties with different churches in South Africa.

In the UK it is a participating member of the Evangelical Alliance.

In Guildford it meets for worship each Sunday at Kings College in Park Barn.

St Clare’s Festive Fair – Saturday, December 7

Monday, December 2nd, 2013