
We are a friendly parish with worshippers of all ages.
We believe that God is calling us to be the church that he wants us to be by growing closer to Him and each other through worship and fellowship.

We also believe He calls us to proclaim and demonstrate His love effectively within our community by the reality of our faith.

There are two churches in our parish:
St Francis’ Church in Beckingham Road, Westborough.
St Clare’s Church at the junction of Southway and Cabell Road, Park Barn.


station1 station8 IMG_0006-1 Ordination2 QBirthday5 The Rev'd Stefanie Hodges baptises Alexander. Having fun at Messy Church. Pictures by Mike Ellis. rainbows1

St Francis Concert

Monday, May 29th, 2017


Lunch Club Get Together

Monday, March 13th, 2017



Following this weeks Sunday service, members of the church family gathered together for Lunch. The lunch included a pancake race for the children with a couple of energetic adults joining in.

Not ending there,  Pete and Charles demonstrated their skills in pancake tossing. Luckily the ceiling was safe (only just), well done all for making it an even more enjoyable time together.

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Love Life Live Lent

Monday, March 13th, 2017






The children are taking part in their own ‘Love Life, Live Lent’ course at St Francis and we ask that you encourage them to bring back their Lent boxes each Sunday so that they can be recharged with the thoughts and actions for the following week – not forgetting the Sunday mini eggs – Sundays are not fasting days!!

Lent Home Groups continue this week and are doing well. 16 people are attending the sessions and others are welcome to join in one of the groups if they would like. We are using the little Love Life Live Lent booklets which have daily Lent activities which are then developed a little further in the groups. If you don’t have one yet the booklets can be obtained from Diane for £2.99.



Lunch Club

Friday, January 20th, 2017



Come and join in to one of our lunch clubs.

The lunch club meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 1pm for a chat and a meal

We share a 2 course cooked meal and enjoy a quiz and a 5 minute “Thought for the day'

There is no set charge but donations for cover costs are welcome

Everyone is welcome but a phone call to Val  01483 852764 is helpful especially if there are any special dietary needs or  transport is required


Archived Newsletters

Saturday, December 31st, 2016
Notices April 17th 2016  Notices April 24th 2016  Notices May 8th 2016
Notices May 22nd 2016  Notices May 29th 2016  Notices June 5th 2016
Notices June 12th 2016  Notices June 19th 2016  Notices June 26th 2016
Notices July 3rd 2016  Notices July 10th 2016  Notices July 17th 2016
Notices July 31st 2016 Notices August 7th 2016  Notices August 14th 2016
Notices August 21st 2016  Notices Sept 4th 2016  Notices Sept 11th 2016
Notices Sept 18th 2016  Notices 25th Sept 2016   Notices 2nd Oct 2016
Notices Oct 9th 2016  Notices Oct 16th 2016  Notices Oct 23rd 2016
Notices Oct 30th 2016  Notices_Nov_6th_2016  Notices_13th_Nov_2016
Notices_27th_Nov_2016  Notices_4th_Dec_2016  Notices_11th_Dec_2016
Notices_18th_Dec_2016  Notices_25th_Dec_2016  

Remembrance Day 2016

Monday, November 14th, 2016



Remembrance Day at St Francis Church welcomes the Stoughton and Westborough Royal British Legion, for our annual service with former members of her majestic services and members of St Francis Church.

Charles Harris, gave a challenging and meaningful sermon, what will we do with our poppies on Monday and the next day and every day? Are they just for the tradition of getting them out, pinning them on our chests and remembering once a year, or does this day effect our everyday lives?

The team Rector who has also witnessed the pain and suffering of war while serving in HM Services in Northern Ireland, reminds us that poppies are not only a symbol of remembrance, they are a symbol of peace. The poppies, remind us of the blood that was shed in the Hope for peace for the future. Christ himself shed his blood for all mankind in order that they could live in peace and forgiveness, yet we still see wars raging in our world and communities, even in individuals. The question to us all comes from the letter of James

What causes wars and fighting among you?


Is it not your selfishness at war inside your hearts? Greed, pride envy, etc

But God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.

Yes it is right to do, We remember those who have died for us and gave up their lives in efforts to bring about peace in our world. Let us add in our prayers the many groups working around the world to bring peace and reconciliation in our world, those who are trying a new way of reconciliation by word and compassion.

I have just returned from my trip to Israel, and seen many establishments doing some vital work in this area af reconciliation.


Let us remember them and pray fervently for their love and sacrifice in giving themselves in this work.





Baptisms at St Francis

Sunday, October 23rd, 2016

















October was a fantastic month for Baptisms  including the  families of Gaybrielle Andrew, Matt and Jennifer who brought their little ones for Baptism

Transforming Church, Transforming Lives

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

Transforming Church



St Francis church joins in with Bishop. Andrews launch Transforming Church Transforming people. A new mission initiative 




St Francis church branch out and try something new. Following the Launch of Transforming Church Transforming Lives last week, the members of St Francis joined together during their Sunday service of worship to begin the discipleship Course Leading your Church Into Growth. With the new installation of media equipment, the morning went well with every one taking an active part.

Wedding Celebration

Friday, September 2nd, 2016



A great time of celebration was had when Gary and Melanie Members of St Francis church joined together in holy matrimony  on Saturday 20th in front of family and friends. We wish then many many years of God’s blessings.







Diane’s Ordination

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016


St Francis church members along with friends and family came together at Charter House Chapel to celebrate the ordination of Diane Peter’s. Followed by a celebration tea in the church hall.









Diane having completed 4 years of training will now serve as an OLM – ordained local minister at St Francis. We praise God for this blessing and look forward to supporting Diane in her ministry amongst us.
