
We are a friendly parish with worshippers of all ages.
We believe that God is calling us to be the church that he wants us to be by growing closer to Him and each other through worship and fellowship.

We also believe He calls us to proclaim and demonstrate His love effectively within our community by the reality of our faith.

There are two churches in our parish:
St Francis’ Church in Beckingham Road, Westborough.
St Clare’s Church at the junction of Southway and Cabell Road, Park Barn.


station6 backtochuurch3 IMG_0015 Lay-ministry1-e1464000074476 P1020775 P1020933 IMG_0014 Enjoying the traditional Maundy Thursday meal at St Francis' Church.


Monday, March 5th, 2018



Confirmation course

Stefanie will be holding a short course leading towards Confirmation in the summer. Everyone is welcome to join the group whether or not you wish to be confirmed or would just like a refresher. The course starts in April.


Toy Donation

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018



A collection of toys that St Francis Church donated to Surrey Royal Hospital





Quiz Night

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018


Thanks to all who supported the Quiz night last week, great evening with ages raging from 4yrs – 95yrs. Congratulations to the winning team {The 2 Brendas and the rest} which just happened to be the smallest team!!

Thank you particularly to Dawn for organising it for persuading Johnathon, Craig and Laura to run it again. ‘Great team’

Also thanks go to Angela, Mollie and Tracey for selling the raffle tickets and Dougie setting up the hall. The evening raised £301 for church funds.


Gospel Choir

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018



Gospel Choir, ‘Motivation by music’

Many of us had a great time at the lively and joyful Gospel Choir’s Christmas Carol Service.

Just a reminder of the invitation given by Emily Bollon, to try out a free session ‘Motivation by Music’. Emily’s philosophy is that everyone can sing and everyone should have great fun whilst doing so.

Why not give it a go. They meet on a Wednesday Evening 6.30pm in the Church.


Community Lunch

Friday, January 5th, 2018





St Francis Community Lunch

This month’s Lunch will be on

Monday 12th February 1pm

Please bring a guest

Christingle Service

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018



Celebrate Christingle Service

with us

January 14th 10 a.m.

This service is in aid of The Children’s Society. There are collection boxes at the back of church for the Society if you would like to take one to put loose change in ready to bring to the service.

Carol Service December 10th 6.30pm

Wednesday, December 6th, 2017




Everyone is invited to the Carol Service on December 10th at St Francis. There will be carols and readings plus songs from the excellent Gospel Choir. It is an excellent service to invite friends and neighbours to join us. The service will be followed by mince pies and mulled wine. Contributions of mince pies to Penny Ellis please, they will be gratefully received.



Book Club

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017




The next Book Group will be meeting on  Wednesday 10th January at 7.45pm.

We are reading ‘The Cat Who Could Read Backwards’ by Lilian Jackson Braun.

Unfortunately we are unable to get this from the library. For those who have access to the internet it can be purchased quite cheaply on Ebay or Amazon.

All readers are very welcome

Readers may be interested to know that The Miniaturist which we all enjoyed earlier this year is being shown on BBC 1 on 26th and 27th December at 9pm


Advent Quiet Day

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017




An Advent Quiet Day

2nd December

ST Francis

why not come and spend a few hours

in Quiet Reflection in preparation for the busy ‘silly season’ of December

10am – 2.00pm; sandwich lunch provided

Remembrance Sunday

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017




Remembrance service



November 12th 

10.30am. There will be a short Communion Service at 9.30