Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect as a newcomer

A member of our team will happily welcome you and invite you in to be seated. If you have any special needs please let them know.

We are very keen to know how we can tailor our services to meet everyone’s needs and would love to hear from you on how we can improve your visit to our church to make you feel welcome and enjoy the experience. You can either email us at visiting@ with questions or ideas or if you’re happy to, our clergy would love to contact you to hear about you and your experience.

Who comes to your church?

From wise pensioners to new born babies, We’re small friendly family oriented churches with people from both the local community and beyond.

Our size is our strength, you can come as often as you like without being judged for missing a service. We love for you to join in with others, the offer of friendship and support is something we all need in our lives, but realise and respect that sometimes you may need a bit of you time, perhaps to pray or contemplate recent events.

How many people attend?

Each church holds one each Sunday with some weekly meetings. There are approximately 20-50 people at each, many more on popular days.

What happens during your services?

While there are specific things we do at special times of the year (like Christmas or Easter), all our services tend to include the following:

  • We sing together a variety of songs, from the contemporary to the traditional.
  • We have a time of prayer
  • We have notices and announcements
  • We hear the Bible read to us, followed by a sermon (lasting 15 – 30 minutes)
  • Sometimes we have team members acting out and encouraging congregation involvement.
  • We hear what the children do in the children’s group.
  • We share Communion at our communion services.
  • We are trying new technologies with screens for songs and presentations, sound systems and music.

After the service, there is the chance to meet others for refreshments, chat and play in the church hall.

How long are the services?

Our Sunday services typically last for about an hour to an hour and half.

What time should I arrive?

We hope you can attend the full service but realise people run busy lives. Our doors are always open for both early and latecomers. Generally people arrive from 30 to 15mins prior to a service, giving them time to catch up with friends or take the time for prayer and contemplation.

Will I be asked to do anything during a service?

No, only if you want to join in. Most of our services are group responses, we want you to feel comfortable and enjoy the experience of church, so you will never be asked to do anything you do not want to do.

Do you collect money during services?

We have an informal offering during a song towards the end of each service.

There is no pressure or obligation. It is just an opportunity for anyone who wishes to contribute towards the running of the church to do so.

That said, we do encourage church members to make a financial contribution towards the running costs of the church through this or other planned events.

Can I bring my children?

Absolutely! We have a dedicated playroom at the rear with hardened glass doors which can open fully and with excellent sound and visual views from the church. Children are also encouraged to mingle with us during the service to give them confidence and enjoy the service.

All volunteers working with children have a current DBS (formerly CRB) certificate and we adhere to the Diocesan Child Protection Policy,

What is the dress code?

We want you to feel comfortable when visiting us so wear what you feel relaxed and happy in.

Can I park at the church?

We have very limited parking in the area with some disabled spaces out front but the majority being free on road parking in the streets around our church,

Do you have provision for the deaf, hard of hearing or partially sighted?

We want all people to feel welcome and catered for so we offer projected screens with large font for songs, also large printed hymn books and service sheets are available on request.

For the deaf or hard of hearing we have a loop system installed to our sound system which will transmit audio signal from the microphones and music to your hearing reducing background noise and offer clear sound.

How do I get involved?

There are all sorts of ways to get involved such as assisting in the various activities run by the church, welcoming people, helping with sound or music duties, flower arranging and much more. If you have an idea of what you would like to do, contact a team member, and they will get in touch with you.