Blessed time of song and praise to begin Holy Week

April 16th, 2014 by admin-su

Palm Sunday evening’s performance of The Crucifixion by Sir John Stainer at St Francis’ Church was a truly wonderful occasion.

The rector, the Rev’d Stefanie Hodges now writes:

I have received a number of emails about the performance and thought it a shame not to let others know what a special occasion it was.

This is the third year we have entered into Holy Week with a special service of worship on Palm Sunday evening which begins with an (optional) congregational rehearsal, followed by a Lenten supper, and finally coming together for a blessed time of song and praise.

This idea began three years ago and we are delighted that, with the continuing interest and support of others joining us, this very moving act of worship is becoming  part of the tradition here at St Francis.

Starting with a group of 14 members of St Francis’ Church, including some who had never sung in a choir before, together with those more experienced choristers from other choirs and under the masterful care and encouraging teaching from Christopher Connett, something beautiful has blossomed. The comments that have been coming through following Sunday’s service have all been amazingly encouraging, both about the ‘service’ and about the ‘church’s warm welcome and incredible hospitality.

Sincere thanks need to be given to all who took part – the choir, those who prepared and served the meal and those who cleared up after.

But thanks go particularly to Jyl Wheeler who administered to the choir and organised the congregation hospitality, and to Christopher Connett, our inspiring and talented musical director. Our appreciation is also extended to the wonderful soloists, Mike Winterbotham and Stephen Petch, and to organist David Oldfield.

Here are just a couple of the emails I have received in appreciation.

“This evening was a lovely time and the four friends I brought with me really enjoyed it. Christopher was a great conductor who got the best out of us, and the two soloists were amazing – probably the best I remember hearing singing that piece, and it is one I have sung many times before. They were such a joy to listen to. And Jyl did a great job of organising it all. Thank you again for allowing me to be part of such a wonderful evening of worship.”

“Thank you for such a moving evening, I never really understood the Christian story other than the basics. This evening opened my eyes and I felt extremely moved by the whole experience. Thank you.”