New instruments for Frankie’s have arrived

May 15th, 2012 by admin-su

Come along on Thursday mornings during term time to St Francis’ Church Hall and play with the new bells, rattles, shakers and whistles at Frankie’s Music Group.

The new musical instruments are just waiting to be played!

Since Frankie’s moved to St Francis’ Church last year, we’ve been borrowing musical instruments but we’ve now saved up enough to have our own collection. Come along this week and join in the fun from 10am to 11am.

All are welcome to attend (parents, grandparents and childminders). It’s £2.50 per session to cover the costs of refreshments and hall hire.

And St Francis Baby and Toddler group meets on Tuesday from 9.30am to 11am, during term time. £1 per adult, 50p per child to include refreshments and a take-home craft activity each week.

Ride-on toys, books, soft baby play space, role-play and small world play.

Details on both groups from Sarah Bennett on 07956 962686.

A quiet moment at St Francis Baby and Toddler group.