St Clares Invite

January 28th, 2024 by admin-su


Join us this Sunday, 14th January, at 10:30am for our regular Sunday service, known as Worship for All.
It’s so called because it’s for everyone, particularly those living in or near Park Barn. It doesn’t matter what job you have, used to have, or wish you had, you’re just as welcome to join us in church.27
At our service, we use a mixture of formal words (liturgy), prayers, Bible readings, and different kinds of songs to help us discover more about who God really is.
We will also share communion (wafers or bread, and wine) as part of our service this week. This is a way for us to remember just how much God loves us – enough to give up His only Son to die in our place.
The service lasts a little over an hour, and is followed by free hot drinks, usually accompanied by a biscuit or two.
We’d be honoured if you’d come.
If you can’t make it this week (or Facebook didn’t show you the post until afterwards), don’t forget we’re there every Sunday, same time, same place, and you’re always just as welcome.