Join us for our Easter services and events

March 29th, 2012 by admin-su

St Clare’s Church

Monday to Thursday, April 2 to 5: brief meditations for Holy Week at 9am.

Maundy Thursday, April 5: Maundy meal, 7pm (please sign up in church).

Good Friday, April 6: brief meditation at 9.30am – then lifts available (or please offer lifts) to join Guildford town centre Walk of Witness, beginning at 10.30am at the rotunda (bottom of North Street), ending at Holy Trinity Church in the High Street.

Easter Sunday, April 8: join others at the Ganges cross outside Guildford Cathedral for a ‘Son rise’ at 7am.

Quiet liturgical communion at St Clare’s Church at 8am, followed by Easter worship for all ages at 10.30am.

St Francis’ Church

Maundy Thursday, April 5: Holy Communion Supper recalling Jesus’ Last Supper, at 6.30pm.

Good Friday, April 6: Walk of Witness around the parish near the church with pauses for prayers and hymns. Meet inside the church at 10am. Walk followed by hot cross buns.

Showing of the film, The Passion of Christ, in the church hall at noon.

Hour by the Cross, with meditations and readings at 2pm.

Easter Sunday, April 8: Sunrise Service – join us as a new day dawns for a simple open-air service. Meet at the church at 6.30am. Lifts will be available for the short journey to Guildford Cathedral.

Easter breakfast in the hall between services.

Family communion to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Wear your Easter bonnets and join the Easter egg hunt afterwards.