Daily scripture reading

March 1st, 2019 by admin-su







…………is essential to our growth


One of the most important ways that we walk with Jesus is to read our bible. Daily scripture reading is essential to our growth as a Christian and a daily devotion can help with that. Daily Walk Devotion is about helping you take your next step of faith.

It is that daily encouragement from scripture that will help you understand the Word of God and encourage you in your faith. Committing to reading your bible every day is a vital spiritual discipline.

Adding a daily devotion to that can inspire and sustain you as you go about your day.

We can do this in a number of ways,

Bible notes: booklet with a verse a day and a reflection. – Free, found on Resource Table at the back of church.

Bible in a year. Scriptures for every day of the year covering the Old Testament, New Testament and Gospel Reading – Free, found on the Resource table at the back of the church

If you do not yet own your own Bible, no problem, please come and speak to Stefanie.

Apps to download onto your phone, great resource, stopping for just a few minutes each day, Every weekday there will be a devotion posted on the website that is taken from scripture.

first thing in the morning,

last thing at night,

while stopping for coffee or waiting for an appointment, etc.

Some suggested apps. Remembering that we are all individuals so please look for one that suits you.

Bible in a year.

Daily Walk Devotion

Crosswalk devotionals.

Bread for our hearts devotionals.