Try Praying

June 2nd, 2017 by admin-su





Try Praying: prayer could make such a difference in people’s lives, if only they would give it a serious try! That’s why St Francis Church are reaching out to local non-churchgoers and non-Christians to present them with a simple challenge: just try praying, for one week, and see what happens.

How are we doing this? We have three resources produced by the nationwide campaign TryPraying: a detailed booklet, a concise flyer, and a postcard with space for prayer requests for people in the community to return to us.

We want to place these resources in letterboxes, in community centres and waiting rooms, on public transport, in libraries, around the university, and into the hands of friends and family who might be open to the challenge! The possibilities are endless.

The resources are mainly being distributed by Jamie, Stefanie, Charles, and Dawn, but we would be delighted if you have some ideas about where to put them and would like to give it a try yourself. Just speak with Jamie and he can give you advice and supply you with the materials.

But don’t underestimate the power of prayer. This whole project is about prayer and the number one thing you can do to help is to pray for its success! Pray that people may realise not only that God is real and loves them, but also that they need to form a relationship with Jesus, the Lamb of God, so that their sins may be forgiven and they can be rescued from death and despair, once and for all.

TryPraying Book

