Time to Pray

May 7th, 2016 by admin-su


During the next 8 days St Francis church will be open for anyone wishing to use it for a quiet time for prayer or reflection.

  • Twice a day prayer will be led for one hour by myself 08.00 – 9.00am, but the church will remain open after that, and between 7.00pm – 8.00pm


  • Stay as long or as short a time you wish.


  • There will be prayers written down at various prayer stations to give you ideas or you can use the church for your own private prayer.


  • Write a prayer for yourself or someone you know, please do so and someone will pray for that person each day of the week.


v  If you are unable to come to the church please write the prayer or the name of someone on the leaf provided, you can ether  hang it on the tree yourself or pass it to someone to do it for you.


Tea and coffee will be available.


IF you have never prayed before please do not let that stop you coming in.

Prayer Stations around the church