Arch Bishop’s call for Prayer

April 21st, 2016 by admin-su



Arch Bishop’s call for Prayer

The week between ascension 8th may and Pentecost 15th May, the Arch Bishop’s Justin and John have invited all churches to join in with a special week of prayer. Churches all around the Anglican Communion will be setting up venues for prayer to be said 24hours a day for 8 days,

This is a wonderful opportunity for us to join in, over the next couple of weeks Diane and I will be preparing for this amazing venture.  A signup sheet will be being displayed for people to indicate the time they would pray.

There will be a variety of ways to encourage our prayer time, especially for those who are not used to praying, such as,

  • Lead prayer, morning and evening.

Stations with ideas for praying the Lord’s Prayer.

  • Creative spaces for private prayer,

Prayer sheets for those who are unable to come to the church but can commit to pray at home, (even for those who suffer from not sleeping at night!

  • There will be prayer walks incorporated for one of those hours most days.
  • We will be inviting the preschool parents to write prayers and the rainbows also, which will be placed on the Prayer Tree which can be used for guidance for people who come to the church to pray.

This is an important part of church life and this gives us an opportunity to really connect with God as his people.

I believe we will hear and see of great things both large and small of what God will do through this commitment of his people

Look out for the list and sign up for an hour or more if you can.

Let us also remember it is a privilege that we have a God who wants a relationship with us and is always ready to hear our prayer.

For more information, visit: