Diane’s ordination to the diaconate

May 5th, 2016 by admin-su




To the Glory of God we will be celebrating Diane’s ordination to the diaconate, which in practice means, 1 year as Deacon and the following year we pray another service to the Priesthood.

Due to the building work currently going on at the cathedral the service will be held at the beautiful building of Charter House Chapel, on the 3rd July,

Everyone is invited. For practical reasons it would be a wise idea to hire a coach depending on how many people wish to attend, Could you please sign up on the sheet and indicate if you wish to attend and if you wish a seat on the coach. There will be a charge for the coach but not for the service.

Following the service there will be a Celebration Afternoon Tea.

Where we can continue to celebrate with Diane. Let us keep Diane, David and the Family in our prayers during this lead up to a very special time and for her future ministry.