Author Archive

CO_OP Food Share

Monday, July 20th, 2020

  St Francis Church are in partnership with the Co-op food share which gives away surplus food to anyone in the community, it will be available on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9.00am. if you could benefit from this please feel free to come two days are the same, the food available will vary […]

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Homily – A Letter for the Times

Monday, July 6th, 2020

  A LETTER FOR THE TIMES As I was sorting some paperwork I came across this invaluable writing that was sent to me and I would like to share with you. May it encourage all of us? A letter from rev Dr. Carla Grosch-Miller Dear friends As I sit at me desk and write this, […]

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Notices and Homilys

Tuesday, June 16th, 2020

  Please come and see our latest newsletters and Homily’s from ST Francis Click on the notices image to visit our latest updates  

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Homily Not Self-Made

Tuesday, June 16th, 2020

    St Francis 14th 6.2020         Not Self-Made, Trinity 2-20, Using Psalm 100 We have probably heard the phrase he is a self-made man or she is a self-made woman. I have in my life met such a person, as you may have but we’ve all heard of many. In the past they were the […]

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Homily to Racism

Tuesday, June 16th, 2020

  Over the last week or so I have been receiving emails, text messages and face book messages on the issue of the appalling incident of the death of George Floyd, a young black man killed by a white police officer and the pursuing riots that have erupted in the USA. And the following marches […]

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Our Virtual Services

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

  Please find a list of some of our virtual services   Click on a link to join in or just read along with one of our services Trinity_service Pentecost Service Thy_kingdom_come_Service Ascension_day_service Easter_service            

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Homily for Trinity

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

  Homily for Trinity-20 Let’s go back in time 150 years – you are living on a small-holding near the edge of nowhere. It’s late autumn and you are up well before dawn, dressing as warmly as possible against the chill of the morning. You make your way to the cow shed where Bessie awaits […]

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Children’s Activities

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

  Jess, a children’s worker at a church in Kent, writes: “ While we are unable to meet in our church buildings we can still be ‘Together at Home’.  We’re providing free resources for churches to share with their families to help them explore the Bible and learn about God together whilst in their own homes. ​Each […]

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Homily for Easter

Sunday, May 10th, 2020

Easter 4- 3.5.2020 Using Acts 2. 41-47 and 1 Pet 2. 18-25 The psalm set for today, number 23, and is certainly appropriate for our current situation. If someone decided to paraphrase this Psalm in a way that was set for these current days they may well put verse: 4 Even when I walk through […]

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Homily one

Sunday, May 10th, 2020

  A Hope and A Challenge, Easter 5-20, using Psalm 31 and John 14 1-14 That reading from John’s gospel is a very familiar one and is often heard at funerals because of the hope that it contains; Jesus going ahead to prepare a place for us. Jesus is going to prepare a place for […]

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